Here are some ways you can use technology in your math class which are more interesting and innovative than using an interactive white board or having students watch instructional videos. Note that these ideas are all examples of potential student uses of technology.
Students could:
- Record video tutorials: Instead of students digesting tutorials created by someone else, have them create their own tutorials.
- Create video problems: Students can use a video camera, or slides in a slide show, and create their own mathematics word problems. The advantage of doing this with technology instead of on paper is that students are more likely to have to create something original in video format, which will make them think more about the mathematics.
- Use screencasting to create "where am I at now" videos of projects in progress. This will allow students to communicate with themselves or their group mates (or in a formative way with you) what stage they are currently at in their project.
- Create videos or take pictures of real life phenomena that have embedded mathematical ideas.
- Create programs to solve mathematical problems.
- Learn mathematics through creating programming projects.
- Use virtual tools for geometric constructions.
- Create simulations to explore mathematical ideas.
- Join online communities of people interested in mathematical problem solving.
- Play games with embedded math concepts (not the same as practicing skills).
- Use a computer to do the computation portion of a math problem.
- Use virtual math manipulatives.
- Create dynamic graphs.
- Teach other people mathematics through Hangouts, Skype, and chatrooms.
- Robotics.
- Allow everyone to respond to questions (for formative assessment) through their cell phone or browser (alternative: Activeprompt)
- Collect real life data that would otherwise be hard to collect.
- Create presentations to share their thinking on a project or problem.
- Make and share interactive mathematical diagrams.
- Survey people.
- Create mathematical art.
Any other suggestions of ways students can use technology in order to improve their mathematical reasoning?
@jstevens009 says:
How about these?
Using, students can model using a free online graphing calculator. Not only that, but the Desmos team is incredible. (also for iPad now)
For the iPad:
Use ThingLink (Free) to embed images, text, or video onto an image to explain models
Use Aurasma to create auras that bring static text to life with videos. Great for differentiation or support
Use TouchCast to create interactive videos as part of a flipped model or just to have students demonstrate their learning
Use MyScript Calculator as a freehand calculator. At first, my kids were rough with it, but now use it all the time!
Use QR codes to “hide” content and have students discover the material. Create a QR code for just about anything.
Honestly, there are others, but you’ve done a solid job. Just thought I’d add a few!
September 26, 2013 — 12:36 am