Here are some services that I can offer. I am also open to queries about services not listed below.
- Keynote Presentations
- Consulting on Educational Technology
- Writing or Consulting on Curriculum
- Workshops on Instructional Routines
- Workshops on Educational Technology
- Evaluating Mathematics Programs
- Programming and Web Design
- Contact Me
How can we inspire educators to do the challenging work that is required to develop and extend their practice? What role do routines play in student learning? How do we help educators focus on the right metrics for learning? What role does technology play in student learning? I can delight and inspire teachers looking for practical ideas from an experienced master educator.
This is a short 7 minute interview I did on treating students as sense-makers instead of mistake makers.
This is a sample of a keynote presentation I did in Kelowna, British Columbia. The audio is from the live keynote itself, but the video portion is a screen-cast of the presentation slides from the day.
Consulting on Educational Technology
I have a Masters degree in Educational Technology and 17 years of experience using technology in education and 5 years of experience directly supporting the use of technology in school. Given this experience and education, I can offer advice to improve your educational technology product.
If you have teachers who are new to online learning, I can offer support to those teachers to make the best of their time with students.
Writing or Consulting on Curriculum
For the past 5 years, I have been either managing or supporting or writing mathematics curriculum for New Visions for Public Schools. As part of this work, I have developed hundreds of tasks and lessons for high school mathematics. On my own time, I have also developed hundreds of tasks, projects, and lessons for elementary and middle school mathematics.
Workshops on Instructional Routines
We have discovered that instructional routines are potentially a fabulous tool for teacher learning. In an ideal workshop on instructional routines, first I model the routine for teachers 2-3 times where I play the role of teacher and teachers play the role of students. Next, teachers unpack the routine collaboratively and collectively we answer questions they have about the routine. Teachers next unpack or create a task to use with the routine either on their own or with a partner and then we rehearse the instructional routine as a whole group with one or more teachers playing the role of teacher and I often do some facilitation to support the learning of the group.
This workshop design is based on work done collaboratively with my colleagues at New Visions for Public Schools. Here are resources we created to support teachers in enacting instructional routines in their classrooms.

A cycle of teacher learning
The specific instructional routines with which I have the greatest familiarity are:
- Number Strings (or Problem Strings)
- Connecting Representations
- Contemplate then Calculate
- Choral Counting
- Sharing Skepticism (I invented this routine)
- Three Acts
Workshops on Educational Technology
I have created hundreds of learning activities for students using Geogebra and can do a workshop for teachers who are interested in developing their own activities.
An example activity
I can also run workshops on using G Suite for Education in the classroom or on Google Apps Scripting for Education. For example, here is a simulation I created using a Google Spreadsheet with an associated script (make a copy of the spreadsheet and authorize the script in order to run it, you can go to Tools => Script Editor to see the script itself).
I have also created scripts to support managing many thousands of Google Docs, including scripts to copy, move, or transfer ownership of documents and many other useful utilities if you work with Google Documents at scale.
Evaluating Mathematics Programs
I can come into your school or school district and observe classes and talk about some of the general and specific needs I see.
- Are students engaging in rich mathematical tasks which are at an appropriate challenge level?
- Are students learning mathematical processes alongside mathematical content?
- Do students have sufficient opportunity to discuss mathematics with each other?
- Are the mathematics classrooms responsive to the cultural and emotional needs of students?
- Are the teachers using formative assessment to guide the direction of their lessons?
- Is the use of technology in the classroom effectively used to engage students in mathematical reasoning?
- How can we interpret and use student performance data in a variety of forms to know what students are learning?
Together, we can build an action plan for your school or district that meets the goals of your school or district. This plan might include follow-up visits, instructional coaching, workshops, curriculum writing/consulting, or other activities based on your need.
I have 15 years experience building interactive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for various organizations over the years. My content management system of choice is Drupal because of its flexibility. Some examples of sites I have built include my wife’s Pottery website, my other education blog, the original version of this curriculum website (no longer active). I also developed ActivePrompt, a website designed to give teachers new tools to support formative assessment.
I have extensive experience designing apps using Google Apps Script. For example, I built the prototype for Quiz Banker and have written numerous utility scripts in Google Apps Script that make managing large numbers of Google Docs much easier.
I have also built activities using Javascript, primarily to use with my students, but which thousands of students world wide have accessed:
- A sequence of puzzles designed to teach students about distance-time graphs
- A simulation of learning in a classroom
- This early effort is a simple game designed to help students think about equivalent fractions
- A block game designed to teach kids about the relationships between the size of squares and the space they can fill
- A simulator designed to teach students about how diseases can spread through a population
- And many more activities
I can also run workshops or courses on how to make these activities yourself.
The best way to contact me is to email me at .