I’m facilitating a pair of workshops this weekend in San Francisco, both of which are fairly self-directed workshops. In fact, it occurred to me that a motivated person or small group could probably get a lot of out of what I have constructed without my direct support. So I’m embedding them below. Feel free to use/share these resources (for non-commercial purposes). In each presentation, there is a link to the folder that holds the agenda for the workshop, and that agenda contains a link to the folder of associated resources.
If you are reading this blog post and do not see the slides embedded above, try reading it here instead.

Robin Hinson says:
Mr. Wees,
I’m Robin and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I commented on your blog post “20 things every teacher should do” last week and this week I was assigned to your blog again. I enjoyed reading this blog post. It was very interesting to me because I am not very familiar with the many Mathematical techniques you included in your presentations. I learned something new by reading this post and that is very ironic since the last post I commented on of yours my favorite point was to “Learn something new every day.” These two presentations you have made will be very helpful to teachers or just people wanting to learn more about Math Education. Your posts are always so informative and I am glad that my EDM 310 class introduced me to your blog! It was great to get to comment for a second time on your blog. I look forward to reading more of your blog posts!
Feel free to visit my blog: hinsonrobinedm310.blogspot.com or my class blog: edm310.blogspot.com.
October 10, 2014 — 7:50 pm