I’m presenting this afternoon on technology use, and I thought I’d try and introduce a variety of tools to teachers (I’m aiming for 5 tools), and then let them brain storm ways the tools might be useful for them. Hopefully everyone will find at least one tool useful. The last time I presented on technology tools, I shared 30 tools in 30 minutes, which is enough time to see that a tool exists, but not enough time to see what it’s uses are.
Here is my presentation from last year.
My challenge to you as a reader of this blog. Share with me any really useful applications that could be used by a wide variety of teachers that aren’t already on this list. Bonus points if they are free. Oh, and it has to work on any platform.
Update: Here is my presentation for this year. Let me know if you can think of a better application for me to include than the ones I have, and the applications listed in the presentation above.

Christina Foran says:
Great resources! I will have to check out those I haven’t heard of before. Here are some more that I use: edmodo, symbaloo, screencast-o-matic, geogebra (for math), and engrade.
December 5, 2012 — 1:33 pm
David Wees says:
Thanks for the suggestions Christina. I have not used Symbaloo or Engrade before, so I’ll look into them into more depth. Our teachers have started using Edmodo already, and Geogebra is incredibly useful for math so that’s a good find. We had some issue with Screen-o-matic the last time we used it, but one of our teachers found an alternative which I am hoping she will share this afternoon.
December 5, 2012 — 1:38 pm
Anonymous says:
I would look at http://www.desmos.com for math teachers.
December 7, 2012 — 6:41 pm
David Wees says:
I like Desmos, but like you mention, it is most useful for math teachers (and probably science teachers in some cases) and since I am sharing it with my entire staff, I’d like it to be more applicable to a general office.
December 7, 2012 — 7:15 pm
Elaine Burchfield says:
Thank you so much for these suggestions, I will really check them out. I really need some good help in mathematics and related subjects. God bless you.
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January 29, 2013 — 3:52 pm