Here are some things that I either don’t use anymore, or almost never use anymore. I can remember using all of these things often, but they just don’t seem useful anymore.
The last time I burned a DVD was for a colleague at work. I think the time before that was at least a year ago.
I have a calculator on my smartphone or on my computer. I do use a graphing calculator, but only at school. Why would I want a single use device?
I don’t mail things anymore, or at least not often enough that I can remember the last time I did it.
I don’t use pencils (and I’ve never used mechanical pencils), except for attendance, or to write a quick note when my phone is out of reach.
This particular Yellow pages came to our apartment unrequested a couple of months ago, and we still haven’t removed the wrapper…
My paper address book is totally useless to me, now that all of my contacts are online.
The only reason I listen to CDs anymore is because we take car rides, and our son likes to listen to his music. Otherwise, music I listen to is on Youtube, or on my iPhone.
What’s your list of things that you’ve stopped using?

Alyssa Becker says:
i would add paper maps (iphone and gps do the trick)
stopwatches for timing (again, phone does that)
paper agenda (iCal on phone and laptop)
February 18, 2011 — 12:01 am
David Wees says:
Hah! You are right, I haven’t used any of those things in years. In fact, I don’t even have any in my house to take pictures of…
February 18, 2011 — 12:05 am
Chris says:
I can’t remember the last time I used a paper map, either foldout or book… it has to be at least three years.
February 18, 2011 — 12:02 am
Ed says:
chalk, VHS, sony disk player,
February 18, 2011 — 1:26 am
Mark Rao says:
VHS tapes
Standard def pvr
Iomega zip drive
10/100 networking
Paper dictionary
Paper owner’s manuals
Mailing in utility bills
Using a mouse and keyboard to go on the Internet
February 18, 2011 — 1:33 am
Carolyn Gray says:
A student in my class wrote a report stating that in the olden days they put film in their camera’s. Makes me sad that the olden days were only 7 years ago for me
February 18, 2011 — 10:06 am
Nicole Lakusta says:
Rotary phone
Car keys to get into car (remote start curbed that!)
Flipchart paper
Desktop computer (laptop, smartphone work better)
Vinyl Record player
Cassette and cassette player
Zip drive and disks
Floppy disks
Polaroid and 35mm cameras
Dot matrix printer
Liquid white out for pen mistakes
Pink eraser
Answering machine (cassette)
February 18, 2011 — 2:57 pm
Chuck says:
Nice list. I seldom use a copy machine anymore. Music is too important to me to live by digital tunes on an iPod or smartphone alone. Quality sound matters and vinyl is still unbeatable.
February 18, 2011 — 6:29 pm
Ed says:
I gotta agree on the vinyl. I have a great stereo system with great speakers and my parents’ old turntable which they bought new in 1972. I had it fixed up, inherited their albums, and had a few of my own, and have to say – there is something about the sound quality that is ‘not there’ with mp3 when I play them through my stereo.
The last rotary phone I had was in 1990. I remember my 6 year old niece visiting and she wanted to call her mom, and she didn’t know what to do with the phone. But then I also vaguely remember our phone exchange in Richmond BC being ‘Browning 7’ which meant BR7, which is 277-. If you catch the classic Liz Taylor movie ‘Butterfield 8’ you’ll know what it means
February 19, 2011 — 1:32 am
Anonymous says:
whats a rotary phone?
July 17, 2011 — 4:51 am
Cindy says:
Single use device – that what the kids call a watch.
February 27, 2011 — 7:16 pm
Richard says:
Cassette personal stereo- only because the last one broke, but if I feel the need to listen to music on the move I still have the MP3 player.
Floppy disks- have tons of the things mind.
Pencil- most of the time. Pens for writing, don’t draw much.
PDA- still have an old one, can’t be bothered with it.
Letters? I intend to write but never quite get round to them.
Still use vinyl, tapes…
June 8, 2012 — 5:33 pm
Richard says:
Wristwatch. Battery went, phone does the job now.
June 8, 2012 — 5:34 pm