Education ∪ Math ∪ Technology

Tag: The Reflective Educator (page 37 of 43)

Reward systems are perverse

A common argument for continuing to use grades, awards, competitions, and point systems in schools:

Students will experience extrinsic motivation outside of school, so we help prepare them for this experience by using similar reward systems in schools.


Our monetary system is a reward system. You work, you get rewarded with money, which you can use to purchase goods and services to improve your life. Work harder, smarter, longer, you get more money. The recent attention on the income disparity in the world, and the fact that people will lie, cheat, steal, and murder people for this reward should tell you that there are perverse side effects of our monetary system simply because of its existence.

Every reward system I can think of has unintended negative side effects. While every system has people who play by the rules, all of them similarly have people who have focused too much on the reward and then engaged in immoral acts.

Instead of basing what we do in schools on what is not working in our society, why don’t we look at other alternatives for to motivate our students? If you can think of a system based on motivating participants with a reward that doesn’t have serious problems with internal corruption and cheating, please let me know…

When should we introduce kids to programming?

I recommend listening to this interview of Douglas Rushkoff on CBC Spark by Norah Young.


Rushkoff’s recommendation is that children should learn a little bit of a taste of programming right after they learn long division. His reasoning is basically this; once students see an algorithm like long division, and they learn how to make a computer compute long division for them, they’ll see that computers are devices which compute algorithms, not places for them to visit.

I’d like to add that teaching a computer to program something like long division would be very empowering for children. Having been through this process of learning what is one of the most complicated sequences of steps they’ve likely been exposed to in their young lives, they can then conquer this algorithm and "teach" a computer how to do it. As a happy consequence of teaching the computer the algorithm, they’ll probably understand how it works better.

Learning Origami

Origami swan

I started learning origami again this past weekend. So far I’ve built a swan, and a couple of paper airplanes that are more advanced than what I usually make but none of it has been particularly complicated to make. I’ve often thought that origami would be a fun hobby, but that I wouldn’t find much use for it in my teaching.

Today, I watched a TED talk (thanks to @BobbycSmith for sharing it with me today) that definitely changed my mind. Origami is way up there now on my list of things I need to learn.

Computers in education

"Unless you have used a computer to learn something yourself, you are not in a good position to think about how it can help children learn." ~ Seymour Papert (1996) The Connected Family, p85

This statement by Seymour Papert is true both of people who promote the use of computers in schools, and those who argue against their use in schools.

Further, I suspect this is almost certainly true of any instructional strategy. You cannot effectively evaluate an instructional technique from a distance, because when you are immersed in the activity, you have a much different perspective than when you attempt to evaluate the activity without experiencing it. It is far too easy to look at a collection of data and use this to evaluate an educational practice and miss critical benefits of the practice that are invisible in your data.


Constructivist teaching is not “unassisted discovery”

I’ve been challenged recently to provide research which supports "unassisted discovery" over more traditional techniques for teaching math. This is not possible, as there are no teachers actually using "unassisted discovery" in their classrooms.

First, it is not possible to engage in the act of "unassisted discovery" as a student. Just knowing the language to describe what you are working on is a clear sign that at the very least you have the support of your language and culture in whatever you attempt.

Second, if a teacher has chosen the activity for you, or designed the learning objects you will be using, then they have given you an enormous amount of help by choosing the space in which you will be learning. Even Seymour Papert’s work with Logo was assisted discovery, after all, Logo is itself going to direct the inquiry toward what is possible to do with the language.

I can’t give examples of research which supports unassisted discovery, but I can give research which supports discovery learning in general. Without searching too hard, I found the following supportive research:

Bonawitza, Shaftob, Gweonc, Goodmand, Spelkee, Schulzc (2011) discovered that if you tell children how a toy works, they are less likely to discover additional capabilities of the toy than if you just give it to them, suggesting that direct instruction is efficient but comes at a cost: "children are less likely to perform potentially irrelevant actions but also less likely to discover novel information."

Chung (2004) discovered "no statistically signicant differences" between students who learned with a discovery based approach based on Constructivist learning principles as compared to a more traditionalist approach.

Cobb, Wood, Yackel, Nicholls, Wheatley, Trigatti, and Perlwitz (1991) discovered that students who learned mathematics through a project based approach for an entire year had similar computational fluency compared to a more traditional approach, but "students had higher levels of conceptual understanding in mathematics; held stronger beliefs about the importance of understanding and collaborating; and attributed less importance to conforming to the solution methods of others, competitiveness, and task-extrinsic reasons for success."

Downing, Ning, and Shin (2011) similarly found that a problem based learning approach to learning was more effective than traditional methods.

Wirkala and Kuhn (2011) very recently discovered that students who learned via problem based learning "showed superior mastery…relative to the lecture condition."

In a meta-study of nearly 200 other studies on student use of calculators in the classroom the NCTM concluded that "found that the body of research consistently shows that the use of calculators in the teaching and learning of mathematics does not contribute to any negative outcomes for skill development or procedural proficiency, but instead enhances the understanding of mathematics concepts and student orientation toward mathematics." (I’ve included this piece of research since many traditionalists oppose the use of calculators in mathematics education.)

Keith Devlin, in his book The Math Instinct, cited research by Jean Lave which found that people had highly accurate algorithms for doing supermarket math which were not at all related to the school math which they learned. In fact, people were able to solve supermarket math problems in the market itself with a 93% success rate, but when face with the exact same mathematics in a more traditional test format only answered 44% of the questions correctly. Later in the same chapter of his book, Devlin revealed more research suggesting that the longer people were out of school, the more successful they were at solving supermarket math questions.

It should also be noted that this discussion on what should be done to improve mathematics education shouldn’t be restricted to either traditional mathematics education, or discovery based methods, but that we should look at all of our possible options.


8 alternatives to traditional mathematics education

Guided discovery


Learning math instead of computations


WCYDWT and Anyqys


Problem solving


Khan Academy


Math without words


Learning math through games


Real world mathematics


To suggest implicitly that there are two opposing views of how math should be taught is to create a false dilemma. There are many different perspectives on how mathematics should be taught, and some of them have not even been tried on any significant scale yet.

The Foucault and Chomsky debates

In 1971, Michael Foucault and Noam Chomsky had a debate on Dutch Television, and a recording of a portion of that debate is available on Youtube (see below). I found out about these debates through the r/education section on Reddit, which I highly recommend following.


Foucault seems to have a pessimistic perspective on change in our society, suggesting that our very notions upon which we might use as levers for change are themselves dependent on the flawed structures in our society. He suggests that since our notion of education and justice are based on what these look like in a classed society, that they are themselves flawed notions. The corollary of this is that actual social change is likely impossible, since one cannot separate the levers for change from their origins. We could consider that if knowledge is relative to the society in which it exists, then change is either extremely difficult, or potentially impossible.

On the other side of the debate, Chomsky believes that there is an absolutely definition of truth and from it a related notion of justice that is fundamental to the human condition. His approach is definitely more optimistic than Foucault’s, as it leaves a path forward for change. Chomsky might agree that much of the definitions of the terms we use, are grounded in the society from which they came, but that this still leaves open the door for alternative definitions, from outside of the society, that can be worked toward.

Both men believed that our society is unjust, and it would be pretty foolish to disagree with this assertion, even 40 years after this debate. That our society has advanced at all has been through the tireless work of people working under the assumption of an absolute form of justice, and another group of people making sure that our definition of what is just is continually examined, as our society changed. Change in our society requires the optimism of the absolutists, and the scrutiny and pessimism of the relatists.

Our structure of education, if it is to be reformed, therefore requires both people working toward what they feel is a concrete target, and people helping push the target.

Math of the game Portal

A few weeks ago, I spotted one of my students playing an interesting looking game on his computer, so I asked him about it. Turns out the game he was playing is called Portal (created by a company called Valve), and it’s still a fairly popular game today.

The basic premise of the game is that you have a special kind of gun which can create two portals, and your character can use these portals to travel instantly between two locations in the level. Each level of the game is a 3D puzzle that you have to solve. I decided tonight to look to see if I could find this game online, and I found this interesting 2D version of Portal, built in Flash. To really understand how the game works, I recommend playing it.

Step 1


What I noticed, as I played the game, is that the puzzles are very much logic puzzles. You need to both strategize what a good move will be in the level, and also experiment a fair bit to figure things out. Every time your character dies in the game, you get to try over again to solve the puzzle, and so you get as many chances as you need to try to figure the puzzles out. Some of the puzzles involve a bit of reflexes, and some of them just involve some reasoning.

Step 2


I also noticed that the portals themselves introduce a little bit of topological reasoning to the game. Once you start playing, you quickly realize that two positions in the game are equivalent, if there is an easy way to generate a portal between them. You also learn some tricks like the "infinite loop", where you create two vertical portals which you can fall through endlessly. Sometimes, I felt a little like I was playing Towers of Hanoi (itself a fairly mathematical game) because I would have to plan my moves ahead and choose the order of my portals carefully.

Step 3


The perspective of the 2D version of the game is quite distorted (to allow for more surface area upon which to place one’s portals) and this got me thinking about perspective. "What’s wrong with the perspective in this game?" I thought. "Oh right, that wall and that floor are at the wrong angle with each other." The line of site of the portal gun also reminded me of intersecting lines, and I found myself visualizing the intersection of a wall and a line from my current position, and wondering if I was "going to hit that wall or not."

Step 4


Timing is fairly critical on some of the levels. I found myself occasionally timing how long it took me to do an action, or a series of actions, so that I could time myself to be "in good position" to avoid a deadly (to my character) obstacle in the game. This is a little bit like algebraic reasoning, wherein I work backwards from one time and attempt to calculate (at least roughly) a good time to begin the sequence of actions.

Step 5


I experimented a fair bit, and would systematically move one of my portals a little bit each time, so that I could see how this changed the outcome of my movement through the portals. This is similar to a strategy used to solve some problems (and is a little bit like the scientific method) in mathematics. Sometimes to find a pattern, you have to build up representations in carefully thought out sequences, and the same is true in this game.

Step 6


Portal is challenging like interesting problems in mathematics are. In the game, you can keep trying to work on the puzzle for as long as it takes. The only feedback you get from the game is the progress you have toward completing your goal, or (as often happened to me) your character’s death.

Level completed


You could formalize some of the mathematical ideas that are part of this game, much in the same way that formalization of the use of Angry Birds to teach physics has been done.

I’d be interested to hear of anyone has some others on how this game could be useful in a math classroom, so please share any ideas you have.

What I learned from making waffles

When my son woke up this morning, he asked me to make him waffles. Having never made waffles before, I was going to refuse, but then I decided to take a chance, and just learn how to make waffles. Most of my adventures in the kitchen in the past 6 years have happened with the help of my wife, but I really need to spend more time cooking by myself, like I did when I was a bachelor. Both my wife and I agree that more balance needs to happen between us in terms of who makes meals (although she’s pretty happy with me doing all of the dishes…).

I looked up a recipe for waffles online and decided to make sure I had all of the ingredients. With my son’s help, we looked through the kitchen and found all of the ingredients for the waffles, except we only had 1 egg, and the recipe called for two. We also didn’t have enough vegetable oil, so I had to do a couple of substitutions.

Together, my son and I measured out the ingredients for the waffles and put them into a bowl and mixed them all up. I then pulled out the waffle maker, and figured out how it worked, with my son’s help. It certainly makes waffles easy to make!

Making waffles


Unfortunately, I didn’t know how much of the wafflie mix to put into the waffle cooker. I decided to take a guess and glopped some mix into the cooker. As you can see, this didn’t work out so well.

Mess on the counter


The mixture overflowed from the waffle cooker, and onto the counter. Oops! I’d put too much in! After some experimentation, and more messes, I figured out how much was the right amount to cook.

The big moment came, when I actually got to try my waffles for the first time.

Yummy wafflies


My wife and son agree with me, my waffles were yummy! I was pretty pleased with myself, and although I realized afterward that making waffles is really not all that difficult, I still felt a sense of accomplishment.

As I ate my waffles, I thought about how this experience should translate to student learning.

  • I picked a project which was meaningful to me.
  • I created a plan to complete my project.
  • I followed through on my plan, which required me to trouble-shoot, revise my plan, and clean up after my mistakes.
  • I enjoyed and shared the fruits of my labours at the end of the project.
  • I learned a skill I can almost certainly use later.
  • I took a risk and met the challenge successfully, while overcoming some obstacles in my way.

While it’s clear to me that not every learning experience can be as successful, or as self-directed as my waffle-making experience, it’s also clear to me that too few experiences of children in schools mirror my experience at home. We spend a lot of time directing the lives of students, and I’d like to see more schools with structures in place that allowed students to be in charge of at least some of their learning.

Scripted creation isn’t creation, it’s assembly

Lego - instructions for building a tree
(Image credit: toomuchdew on Flickr)


When I was a kid, I had a lot of Lego, most of which was given to me as birthday gifts, and came in nice neat boxes with instructions on how to build whatever was on the picture on the outside of the box. I would often follow the instructions carefully once, to make sure I could create the picture, and then that package of Lego joined the big bucket of Lego, and I never assembled that particular design again. I did spend a lot of time creating my own models, and learning different ways of putting the pieces together myself. I remember better the things I created than the things I assembled. 25 years later, I still remember when I used all of my Lego to create a sprawling metropolis on my floor.

My son and I play Lego together, and just like when I was a child, he wants to follow the directions. We’ve built a couple of things together that way, but we’ve also spent hours upon hours making our own designs. Recently, we’ve been constructing sling-shots with our Lego along with some rubber bands, and then using these to fire smaller pieces of Lego at targets. My son calls this "playing Angry birds." In this case, we’ve had a design (the Angry Birds slingshot) and we’ve reverse engineered a way to create this slingshot with Lego.

We need to be careful that we give students time for creation, which I see as a much different process than assembly. Creation helps kids develop entrepreneurial skills, use their imagination, and allows them to be inventors. Assembly allows them to learn how to follow instructions, and work toward a well established goal. There is also a middle ground between the two, which I call reverse engineering where you give students the final outcome, and they have to work to figure out how it was built.

When you assign a project and give students a highly structured way of completing the project, you are having them assemble their project, rather than create it. They may not be assembling pieces of Lego, but it is a form of assembly nonetheless. These kinds of projects can be valuable for your students, and can help focus students on the final product of the project but the more information you give students on what their project should look like, or how they should go about doing it, the less freedom they have to actually be creative.

There is research which shows that when kids are shown how to do something (as what happens when you give them a set of instructions to follow), they are less likely to "engage in spontaneous exploration and discovery" (Thanks to @jybuell and @andymikula for sharing those two links). We must then be very careful about our purpose in giving kids a set of instructions to follow, given that we may be shutting down some of their creative capacity in this area.

There are types of tasks for which instructions are pretty important. You can’t write a high quality academic paper without reading examples of other academic papers, and without some pretty careful instructions on formating. The language of academic papers is highly specialized and often cryptic.

However, I don’t want my son writing academic papers just yet. He’s young. I want him to explore the world, and see what is possible, and use his imagination as much as he can at this young age (thanks @allanalach for this link). He has plenty of time to learn about the dydactic academic world later. For now, I want him to play.

A subject like science, for example, can very much be taught either as an act of creation, or as an act of assembly. Give students all of the instructions on how to complete a lab, and they are assembling a lab. Give them a goal (figure out why this phenomena works) and they are reverse engineering. Give students time to play (safely) with the tools in a laboratory and come up with their own experiments, and they are creating.

Scientific inquiry is about asking questions and exploring the answers to those questions through experimentation. If we want kids to think like scientists, we need to give them the ability and option to experiment. As this comic suggests, the core of science is that ideas are tested by experiment, and that everything else is just bookkeeping.


Let’s make sure that our need for bookkeeping doesn’t disrupt our kids need for exploration. Let’s make sure we give kids lots of time to be creators, and not have them just assemble stuff.