Hi folks,
I’m planning on doing an online training session, we’ll see if I get anyone to sign up! The first 20 people to post a comment here will be registered in this free training session in Geogebra. This limit of 20 people is only because http://dimdim.com restricts the free online sessions to 20 people. I’m not, by any means, an expert in the program, but I am happy to share what I have learned in 2 years of using the program.
Post a comment to this post indicating what time works best for you. You need to fill in your email field, which is hidden from everyone except me, the owner of this blog. I’ll use your email address to send you the Dimdim meeting invitation, so it is important that you include it.Go tohttp://dimdim.com and sign up for an account. You will of course need to use the same email address as step 1. You should try it out first to check to make sure there are no problems ahead of time. I’ll of course be testing this myself. Update: We might use Mikogo instead, it seems easier to use.Oh and I suppose I should mention that you really want Geogebra installed. You can get it fromhttp://geogebra.organd happily, it is free.I’ll also be putting up some resources on the blog, linked to this post, once I get a chance to organize them. You should make sure to come back here and download those resources.
Of course this training session is dependent on my internet connection remaining up. I guess if there are problems, we can always reschedule.
Hello all,
A little over three years ago I decided I wanted to experiment with online learning, and I decided I would start this experiment with a training session for Geogebra, which is still software I love to use in my teaching. A week after I made announcements everywhere about the training session, my Dad died, and I never ran the session. Three years later, I’m still receiving registration requests for the program so I know there is still interest. At one point, all of you registered for this training opportunity.
I’m still personally interested in what this would look like from my perspective, but I already know of a terrific resource for learning Geogebra for beginners so I see little point in duplicating effort. Linda ran an excellent (and free) course last year, and I recommend using it as a resource for getting started with Geogebra. You can access it here: http://moodlemeets.learnnowbc.ca/course/view.php?id=3
It’s free, but you have to create a login at http://learnnowbc.ca in order to access the course. The course is archived, but there are lots of discussions archived in the forums, and you may find many of your questions answered there.
If you are still stuck, you can take a further plunge and if you have not already done so, sign up for Twitter and then search for #mathchat in the search box on Twitter. Many of the mathematics educators that post with the #mathchat hashtag use Geogebra regularly and may be able to answer your questions. Hopefully you’ve also already found http://geogebratube.com/ which already contains 10,000 Geogebra resources that are free to use and modify as you see fit.
Thank you,
David Wees

Juan Carlos Ruiz says:
I will participate in this training of Geogebra. I can organize my schedule. I´m live in Cajamarca-Perú (GMT -5).
Juan Carlos
March 19, 2009 — 4:34 pm
Rob Newberry says:
Hi Dave,
Will be here at school, and in and out of sessions (Thai Modules), but would love to be part of this.
Talk to you more about it tomorrow…PANTHIP!!!
March 19, 2009 — 11:34 pm
David Miles says:
Count me in.
March 20, 2009 — 5:26 am
Anonymous says:
im very interested also. Recently had a seminar on this and i was left confused!!!!
March 20, 2009 — 6:31 am
noel says:
I’m interseted with all practices around GeoGebra
french GeoGebra
March 20, 2009 — 9:15 am
Paul McMahon says:
Hi Dave,
Very generous offer. Don’t know the application but I am always up for learning.
10.00am my time would be good which is 11.00 your time or is it 9.00am??
March 20, 2009 — 9:24 am
David Wees says:
Hi Paul,
It’s looking like I have the Elluminate room scheduled for 8am my time, GMT +7 which is 7pm Eastern standard time, and 10pm Pacific standard time. I’ve also talked to my principal, and he’d like this time so that people at our school can join the session too.
March 20, 2009 — 9:33 am
Auston Cron says:
This week is our Spring Break, next week at the time you are starting, I will be teaching a class. Maybe you can record the session for some of use to view at a later date. (CDT 8 am for you is 10 am for me)
I have seen some of your work and I like what I have seen. You are welcome to use somethings or refer to my site. Most is geared for middle school to early college, mostly graphing and algebra. It still needs work, but my students like learning with it.
March 20, 2009 — 7:32 pm
Auston Cron says:
I wish to express my sorrow toward your loss. This can be a trying time. I hope that your trip is uneventful and that you and your family are doing well despite the current turmoil.
May the Lord be with you and yours.
PS: I just realized that my time zone follows yours by 12 to 13 hours. I am not used to using UTC codes, even though my daughter is in The Netherlands.
March 21, 2009 — 2:20 pm
Luciano Battaia says:
I’m interested in this project, if you’ll do something in the future.
My works regarding ggb-screencats are here: http://www.batmath.it/batduezero/geogebra/a_geogebra.htm
Luciano Battaia
March 21, 2009 — 10:10 am
Paul McMahon says:
Really sorry to hear of your loss Dave.
Maybe some other time.
March 23, 2009 — 10:55 pm
Roland O'Daniel says:
Dave, I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I am lucky enough to still have both parents and can only imagine the difficulty.
I do however have a proposal for you. I am an avid Geogebra user, quasi-developer (not very good at it, but like to play and think through some issues). I would be open to hosting your online training through my work Webex Classroom. You could still offer the training to the first thirty (our classroom will handle 33 including you and me) as long as you allowed me to invite teachers in our content literacy projects. (http://contentliteracy.ning.com) I don’t think you would get many from our site, as most of the teachers that I work with haven’t come across it yet.
Like I said, I am an avid user with students, a wanna be developer, and I work coaching teachers to make their classrooms more inquiry based, experiential places. We host online conversations at our Ning for teachers interested in learning and this would be a perfect fit.
If you are interested let me know. I’m the administrator for our Webex classroom so I know I can get permission. I look forward to hearing from you.
April 2, 2009 — 6:18 pm
David Wees says:
This sounds like a great idea. I’m going to be postponing this training until my IB classes end, which is in May. May 8th I think is the day they take their exams, so that will be the last day I have them, which means I lose 2 classes, giving me lots of free time to run a session like this.
My plan is to run the session aimed at novices/intermediate level users, and show everything I know how to do. It may be you might find this session less than useful, but we could also use it as an idea sharing session.
April 3, 2009 — 3:38 am
Anonymous says:
I realy appreciate you doing these sesions and im looking forward to be part of it. thanks.
December 22, 2010 — 10:54 am
Alex says:
Hello, I’m a Junior in High School, but I’m very interested in learning about GeoGebra. I’m fine with not attending your training, but will there be any notes or video left afterwards? Thanks
September 14, 2011 — 9:55 pm
David Wees says:
Hey there Alex,
I’m unfortunately not presenting on Geogebra soon (this post is from a couple of years ago), but I’m happy to share some resources you will find useful. If I do present a webinar on Geogebra, you are welcome to attend.
Geogebra resources:
I’d also recommend joining the Geogebra community which is a good place to ask questions related to using Geogebra.
September 14, 2011 — 11:00 pm