I attended Edcamp Delta this past weekend. On the same weekend, Edcamp SD43 occurred in Port Coquitlam. Both Edcamp events had a fair number of people, which is a fairly impressive draw for a Saturday professional learning session that no one is forced to go to.
The sessions were heavily tweeted about. Here is the archive for the Edcamp SD43 hashtag. Here is the archive for the Edcamp Delta hashtag.
Every session felt really useful and/or interesting during the day. I spent the morning talking about technology in the primary grades, and on an educational panel talking about education in British Columbia. In the afternoon, I facilitated a session on "Improving Professional Development" which Brad and I continued during the last session time.
I’m excited to report that Edcamp is flourishing in BC.

Bess says:
Hi David,
first of all, thanks for a full update. Second of all, I would like to add my own impression about EdCamp43.
Maybe I just was not aware of this before, but this time we had several people from the academia, from SFU. They participated in the discussions and it brought one more and completely different point of view. I think, it was interesting for them also.
I had a chance to hear to the ideas of great educator,Jonathan Vervaet (@jonathanvervaet in the Tweeter).
The issues he raised about all kinds of assessment are good for additional discussions.
What is interesting, that nobody raised the issue of financial problem of public education. Please explain to me: this problem is untouchable?
January 17, 2012 — 9:31 am
Megan says:
Thanks for posting the archives! I wasn’t able to make it but enjoyed following some of the tweets during free moments on Saturday. I LOVED the EdCampFV experience and hope to see more of these around the lower mainland as the EdCamp movement grows. EdCampFV was absolutely the best form of Pro-D that I’ve ever experienced! Glad to see that other educators enjoyed and learned from their days in Coquitlam and Delta!
January 17, 2012 — 10:50 pm