Education ∪ Math ∪ Technology

Canadian Educators on Twitter

So a few weeks ago I started a list of Canadian Educators on Twitter using some fun code I found to create a Twitter list from a Google spreadsheet. I’ve created another list because the first list filled up to 250 educators. Links to both lists of Canadian educators are below. The reason why I created these lists in the first place is because Canadian Educators have some distinctly different issues to deal with in our education system than do our US counterparts although there are more similarities than there are differences.

In any case, please follow the educators on the lists below so we can collaborate and discuss Canadian education. Also, come and post information on the #CanEd stream on Twitter.

Twitter list:!/davidwees/canadian-educator/members

If you want to add yourself to one of these lists, fill out this form.
You can view the list directly here as a spreadsheet: or here as HTML:

Other useful Canadian Twitter hashtags:

#BCed – BC educators

#edtechbc – BC educators interested in educational technology

#ABed – Alberta educators

#MBedu – Manitoba educators

#SaskEd – Saskatchewan educators 


(Please let me know if you know of more hashtags for Canadian educators to follow)