Education ∪ Math ∪ Technology

Tag: The Reflective Educator (page 18 of 43)

Six word story

In the spirit of a story Ernest Hemmingway probably never wrote, I was going to offer this as my six word story for #etmooc.

"For sale: Master’s degree, never used."

Unfortunately, it seems that this particular short story has been thought of before. It’s also worth noting that this particular piece of fiction does not accurately describe my life. So I went back to the drawing board and came up with this:

"Student died in math. Nobody noticed."

This is obviously fictional, but it better describes what has become my life’s work to avoid happening to students.

Education as vaccination

"We seem to think that education is a thing—like a vaccine—that can be designed from afar and simply injected into our children." ~ Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr

This is a quote from the State of the State address by the Governor of California, and it is one of my new favourite quotes on education. Thanks to Scott Mcleod for spotting it.

It’s a pretty interesting analogy. I wonder how many parents, students, teachers, administrators, and education policy makers believe that education is like a vaccination against ignorance. I see education as something developed within a community, by a community, for their community.

The challenge I see here is when a community begins to trample on the rights of its community members, neglects its duty to ensure everyone has equal access to happiness and opportunity, and therefore creates an education system which does not serve everyone in their community. In this case, I think the state should be able to intercede, but otherwise (unless they are coordinating projects between communities where scale matters) the state should stay out of the way.

Two views of mathematics

Beautiful fractal image
(Image credit: DanCentury)

As usual, there is an argument going on Reddit on mathematics education. There is a statement from that argument that I would like to highlight here, and a related discussion on Reddit with a related comment.

“I solemnly declare that no kid ever learned math by watching a video OR by reading a paragraph, since math is an action [emphasis mine], not an exposure.” deadletter

In a related discussion on resources for a 4th grade student wishing to explore mathematics further, a commenter made this bold claim, in response to someone suggesting that the Khan Academy would not be a good resource:

“Why not? If it’s to pass state Core Standards, it’s more than enough. If it’s to give his daughter who loves math more to learn, it’s more than enough. If it’s to showcase the power and beauty of math, it does that, too.” misplaced_my_pants 

These are very different views about what it means to learn mathematics.  One person holds that mathematics is an activity that people undertake, the other believes that mathematics is a specific set of knowledge that ones gains through exposure. These are very different definitions of mathematics, and have very different consequences of what would be required to learn mathematics.

I tend to lean toward the mathematics as activity definition, but understand that my responsibility as a teacher is to ensure that my students also know some specific set of mathematics. It’s not a line I’m particularly comfortable straddling and I feel a lot of tension as a teacher as a result. Whenever I have some freedom from the curriculum, I lean heavily toward explorations of math, either as independent activities, or as a group activity.

At the very least, I want my students to know that there are two views of mathematics (which some may consider to be opposing views), and that they should have the ability to make an informed choice between them (or to choose both, if that is even possible).

Alternate definitions of technology

Some alternate definitions of common technology:

  1. Email:

    A technology through which anyone in the world can add to your to-do list.

  2. Smartphone:

    A device designed to interrupt your thinking on a semi-periodic but slightly random basis with a buzzing or ringing sound, making completing lengthy tasks requiring significant concentration nearly impossible. Users can even customize the sound with which they will be interrupted! Added bonus: discourages face-to-face conversations when in use.

  3. E-book:

    A lot like a regular book except it requires an expensive electronic device to be viewed, can’t be shared, and can be potentially removed from your ownership by the book seller without warning. Oh, and if your electronic device for reading the e-book has a dead battery, you can’t read the e-book.

  4. Television:

    An electronic baby sitter for your children that can potentially introduce your children to all sorts of unacceptable behaviours.

  5. Computer:

    The most powerful computational device ever constructed by humans. Mostly used for finding and sharing pictures of LOL cats and music videos.

  6. Air conditioner:

    This machine cools down people’s houses, which results in people spending less time on their front porch getting to know their neighbours.

  7. Digital camera:

    Now everyone can take bad photos of places they have been, which they then share once on Facebook and then never look at again.

Build a better website for learning math

I’ve been thinking about what I think a truly great mathematics education website would look like. Dan and David have produced some awesome mock-ups of the future of mathematics textbooks, and I love their work, but I can think of more features I would add.

  1. There should be space available for students to ask and answer questions, just like MathOverflow. It would probably need to be moderated, and perhaps seeded with people with some knowledge of mathematics willing to attempt to anwer questions, but I suspect many of the interactions would be peer to peer. The level of mathematics discussed on MathOverflow and the sometimes snarky responses to people who ask lower-level questions lead me to believe that this type of discussion space should be have a different community standard – one that expects children to be participating in it.
  2. There should be a mixture of styles of problems from the directed-style problems with embedded, mediated peer to peer interactions that Dan and David are dreaming up  to open-ended problems and/or puzzles wherein students choose what tools they want to use to try and solve the problems.
  3. There should be a library of exploration spaces available for students. I’m thinking Logo, origami, and other types of similar resources would be available here, along with discussion space to share any discoveries and/or projects students develop.
  4. At least part of the site should be dedicated to sharing some of the wonder of mathematics. Perhaps this looks like a blog where some of the most fascinating and elegant mathematical ideas through-out history could be shared. The primary purpose of this section of the site would be to inspire, not to teach.
  5. The site could include a toolkit of different mathematical techniques students could use to solve mathematics problems. Alternatively, solving specific problems on the site opens up new tools in the toolkit. Students could also have a toolkit of skills they have developed themselves, and bookmarked to remember for later, much like programmers do as they build their own code libraries.

I can imagine that trying to introduce this all at once might be overwhelming or too challenging, so these features would have to be introduced over-time, but the ability for students to connect with each other to have discussions about mathematics would have to be front and centre from the very beginning.

What other features would you include?

Internet as cMOOC

How I learn about mathematics education

I’ve noticed that my experiences in #etmooc very much parallel my learning experiences on a regular basis, except that they are now branded and slightly more focused on a different topic – connected learning.

  • I participate in weekly chats on #mathchat whenever I have the time.
  • I follow hundreds of blogs on mathematics education.
  • I watch videos on mathematics education and infrequently participate in webinars related to the same.
  • I read books on mathematics education.
  • I work with my colleagues to improve our mathematics instruction on a daily basis.

None of the learning experiences I’ve had through #etmooc have been different (except for the focus). So it leads me to wonder, why don’t more people have these types of learning experiences on a regular basis given that they are freely available?



PS. I know that people complain about not having the time to participate, which I get. I’m busy too. I have to balance my desire to learn more against my family life as well, and lately, family life has been winning, but I always carve out some time each to learn a little bit more about my field each day. I couldn’t give up learning more about education any more than I could give up breathing.

450,728 reasons to blog


I used a tool recently which counts the number of words I’ve posted on my blog. I’ve written a total of 339,254 words on my blog (as posts and comments), and other people have written a total of 111,474 words as comments on my posts.

This level of engagement and thinking has got to make a difference on my understanding of education, and at least indirectly on my skill as a teacher. When I say that blogging has made me a better teacher, I mean it.

The future of learning

A few years ago, as an assignment for my Master’s degree, I created a video on the future of learning. I was never very happy with the quality of the final product, nor do I completely agree now with the vision I presented then. That being said, here are some of the slides I used. It looks like some of the text in the comics is uncited, but I have citations near the end of the video I created.

Some of the slides below offer some ideas as to how technology may change how we learn in the future. Some offer quotes from other thinkers in the field, in case you want to explore more.



Education reform ineptness

"If you are absolutely no good at something at all, then you lack exactly the skills that you need to know that you are absolutely no good at it."

John Cleese

Perhaps this is part of the reason that so many education reforms that are attempted fail so badly? Could it be that at least some of the people involved in education reform are just so completely inept that they are not even able to judge their own performance at all?

The good news is, if you know you are bad at something, then at least you are not completely inept, because if you were, you might think you were good at it. The bad news is, people who are completely inept are unable to judge or recognize their ineptness, which may make them push ahead in ways which are harmful to the rest of us.

Learning outside of school

I realized that I have done a lot of learning outside of school as a kid. Here are some examples.

  • I took apart almost every piece of electronics we owned (except the television as I was told this was dangerous) and then put it back together, most of the time.
  • I explored every inch of the island I grew up on within 5 kilometres of our house, usually on bike, often with my dog.
  • We had a library of many hundreds of books in our house, and I read most of them.
  • I taught myself how to program, and I created a computer game in grade 10.
  • I (re)discovered the sum of triangular numbers formula, and the quadratic formula on my own.
  • I planned a trip to Mars in as much detail as I could, right down to where the bathrooms would be located on my rotating space-ship.
  • I collected a sample of every different kind of grass I could find on my island. I ended up with over 50 different types.
  • I played a lot of games, including Dungeons and Dragons and many exciting computer games.
  • I watched way too much television (with a strong preference for science fiction). I don’t know how valuable a learning experience this was, but in the interest of being honest, I thought I should include it.
  • I went for regular jogs around town. One time I finished my run, wasn’t tired enough, and so I went for another loop.
  • I wrote poetry, sometimes in the middle of the night.

I’m not offering this list to brag about my childhood, but simply to suggest that there are plenty of ways kids can learn outside of school, but they must have the time, space, and support to do so.