I asked ChatGPT to write a TED talk about why we need to change how we teach math. Here’s what it came up with.

A screenshot showing the interaction between the author and ChatGPT.

Title: The Mathematics Revolution: Unlocking the Power of Learning


Speaker: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Today, I stand before you to ignite a spark of curiosity, to challenge the conventional wisdom, and to advocate for a fundamental change in how we teach one of the most critical subjects in education: mathematics.

[Opening Hook]

Speaker: Imagine a world where mathematics is no longer a daunting, mysterious puzzle, but rather an open gateway to creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Envision classrooms buzzing with excitement, where students are not merely memorizing formulas but actively engaging in the beauty and applicability of mathematics. This is the vision I propose we embrace today.

[Establishing the Problem]

Speaker: We live in an era of unprecedented innovation and technological advancements, yet our traditional approach to teaching mathematics has remained largely unchanged. This outdated method focuses on rote memorization, stifles creativity, and fails to inspire a genuine passion for the subject. It’s time for us to acknowledge that this approach is limiting the potential of our students and hindering progress in a rapidly evolving world.

[Point 1: Shifting Focus from Answers to Understanding]

Speaker: Our current education system fixates on finding the right answers, often neglecting the importance of deep comprehension. Mathematics is not merely a series of procedures to reach a solution; it is a language that empowers us to decode the complexities of the universe. We must shift our focus from answers to understanding, encouraging students to explore the “why” behind mathematical concepts and nurturing their ability to think critically.

[Point 2: Embracing Real-World Applications]

Speaker: Mathematics is not an isolated subject confined within the pages of a textbook. It permeates every aspect of our daily lives, from calculating the optimal route to work to analyzing statistical trends in healthcare. By integrating real-world applications into the curriculum, we can show students the tangible relevance of mathematics and inspire them to apply their skills in meaningful ways. Let’s bridge the gap between theory and practice, allowing students to see the direct impact of mathematics in fields like technology, finance, and even art.

[Point 3: Fostering Collaboration and Creativity]

Speaker: Mathematics is often wrongly associated with solitary and rigid thinking. However, it thrives when we encourage collaboration and embrace creativity. By introducing group projects, open-ended problem-solving, and mathematical investigations, we can cultivate an environment that nurtures teamwork, communication, and innovation. Let’s unleash the power of collective thinking and teach our students that mathematics is a dynamic, collaborative endeavor.

[Point 4: Redefining Assessment]

Speaker: The conventional method of assessing mathematical proficiency through standardized tests falls short in capturing the true essence of mathematical competence. We need to redefine assessment to encompass a broader range of skills, including problem-solving, critical thinking, and logical reasoning. Embracing alternative assessment methods, such as portfolios, projects, and presentations, will provide a more accurate representation of a student’s mathematical abilities and foster a holistic understanding of the subject.


Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen, the time for change is now. We have the opportunity to revolutionize mathematics education and unlock the immense potential within our students. Let’s move away from a system that stifles creativity, instills fear, and perpetuates the myth that math is only for a select few. Instead, let us embark on a journey of discovery, exploration, and collaboration, where mathematics becomes a tool for empowerment and innovation.

Speaker: Together, let’s create a future where the beauty and practicality of mathematics are celebrated, where every student is equipped with the skills and confidence to tackle the challenges of an ever-changing world. Thank you!

[End of TED Talk]


Here’s a video of the TED talk that AI also created using the same script above.

Neither the script nor the video are amazing, but one doesn’t need much imagination to see that some of our ways of working are about to change pretty dramatically.