Education ∪ Math ∪ Technology

Tag: ETEC 531 (page 1 of 1)

Second Media Project

I created this project using a variety of different tools.  I started by brainstorming with my wife some ideas about what I could do, and she helped me out by creating a sample story board.  I liked a lot of her ideas and incorporated them into my final production.

The cartoons in the video were created using, a very cool site where you can create custom comics.  Very easy to use and lots of flexibility, although I had to edit a couple of the comics using the GIMP photo editor.

The music I downloaded from, which allows you to listen to music for free, and download many clips.  I don’t know if any major artists are on it or not, but I’ve found some great music here, and even better, licensed under a creative commons license.

There is a clip from the first Star Trek movie I’ve included.  I think this will be okay in terms of copyright under a fair use for education clause.  It isn’t that long, and totally not necessary, but I thought including it might spice up my otherwise slightly dry video.

You can watch it below!


First media assignment

Below is a copy of my media assignment for ETEC 531.  I was working on something much better using Adobe Premier Pro CS4 but at the last minute couldn’t get past some weird export errors.  Very frustrated, I decided to redo the project using Microsoft Photostory 3, which is incredibly easy to use.  Unfortunately ease of use usually translates into inability to make real customization, and that certainly occurs here.  Wish I had more time to work on this, but it’s due today!

Note that the photos from this video are from Wikipedia Commons (and are licensed in the public domain) and the music is from (which is licensed under a Creative Commons license).